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Version: 0.2.x


This page gives a small introduction in the architecture that is used for maplibre.

Abstraction Layers

1. Public API

MapLibreMap and MapController is part of the public API. That part of the package that users are in contact with.

2. MapLibreMapState

MapLibreMapState is an abstract base class for the State<MapLibreMap> and contains implementations that are completely platform invariant.

3. MapLibreMapStateNative

This class is a unified parent class for all non-web platforms that use the Pigeon method channel. Because pigoen dart code is the same on all non-web platforms, all those implementations are located in MapLibreMapStateNative.

4. MapLibreMapStateAndroid, -Ios, -Web

This is the last Flutter/Dart layer. These classes contain missing implementations that haven't previously been implemented on an higher level.

This layer has the connection with the Native Code Layer using

  • Method Channels with the Pigeon code generator
  • JNI using JNIGEN to interop with Kotlin on Android
  • FFI using FFIGEN to interop with Swift on iOS
  • The WASM compatible interop with JavaScript using js_interop and package:web on Web.

5. Native Layer

The last and most low level layer that package uses. This layer handles Platform View registration and the native implementation of Pigeon.