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Widget Annotations

The WidgetLayer jumps a bit out of the row when compared to the other annotation layers.

Differences to other Layers

  • The WidgetLayer is the only built-in map layer that has support for all kind of flutter widgets.
  • As the WidgetLayer is just a Widget itself, it needs to be placed in the children list. All the map layers need to be placed in the layers list.
  • WidgetLayers will always be displayed above other layers as it is not part of the map style but displayed above.

Basic Usage

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Widget Layer')),
body: MapLibreMap(
options: MapOptions(
initZoom: 3,
initCenter: Position(0, 0),
children: [
markers: [
// must be the same dimension as the inner widget
size: const Size.square(50),
// the longitude / latitude position on the map
point: Position(-10, 0),
// child can be any flutter widget tree
child: const Icon(
// must be the same as Marker.size
size: 50,
// the used Icon should be attached to the map at the bottom center
alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
// display the UI widgets above the widget markers.
const SourceAttribution(),

By default, widgets in the WidgetLayer will stay upright when the map gets rotated or pitched. You are able to change this behavior with the flat and rotate flags.


To add, remove or alter annotation layers, just use setState() like you'd do with Flutter widgets.

Check out the example app if you want to see how things come together.