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Version: 0.2.x

Polyline Annotations

Polylines are way to show paths or similar on the map.


Basic Usage

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MapLibreMap(
options: MapOptions(zoom: 7, center: Position(9.17, 47.68)),
layers: [
polylines: <LineString>[
coordinates: [
Position(9.17, 47.68),
Position(9.5, 48),
Position(9, 48),
width: 4,
blur: 3,
dashArray: const [5, 5],

That's it! You can add multiple PolylineLayers with different properties.


To add, remove or alter annotation layers, just use setState() like you'd do with Flutter widgets.

Check out the example app if you want to see how things come together.

Style & Layout

The PolylineLayer has a lot of parameters you can use for styling.

If you need more powerful customizations for your Polylines, you can use the more low level LineLayer.